Debt Debate: Tea Party, Republican Radicals vs the Democratic Correct and President Obama
Too little information has disseminated to the American people as to the severity of what will occur if the Federal government fails in its' resolve to put a long-term end to this crisis. What began a political football often tossed back and forth, by whatever party occupied the White House in the past has become far more serious than a game of touch on the West Wing lawn. The political wrangling and positioning on the Debt Ceiling and a delay in a Vote to raise Ceiling in order to prevent the USA from default has now become the equivalent of a group of kids tossing back and forth a deadly bomb. As Congressional members (particularly naive freshmen) treat the debt ceiling as the Holy Grail while economic policy experts such as Alan Greenspan view it to be an unnecessary political (evil) symbol of debate for whatever side wishes to blame the other for uncontrolled and wasteful spending. Congress fails to see or accept that are other vested ...