
Showing posts from July, 2011



Debt Debate: Tea Party, Republican Radicals vs the Democratic Correct and President Obama

Too little information has disseminated to the American people as to the severity of what will occur if the Federal government fails in its' resolve to put a long-term end to this crisis.     What began a political football often tossed back and forth, by whatever party occupied the White House in the past has become far more serious than a game of touch on the West Wing lawn. The political wrangling and positioning on the Debt Ceiling and a delay in a Vote to raise Ceiling in order to prevent the USA from default has now become the equivalent of a group of kids tossing back and forth a deadly bomb.   As Congressional members (particularly naive freshmen) treat the debt ceiling as the Holy Grail while economic policy experts such as Alan Greenspan view it to be an unnecessary political (evil) symbol of debate for whatever side wishes to blame the other for uncontrolled and wasteful spending.    Congress fails to see or accept that are other vested ...

The Debt Ceiling Crisis & Possible US Default. Who Does the President Pay and Who Goes Without? An Easy Alternative: Layoff Congress!

I have been following the current debacle in Washington D.C. over "raising the debt ceiling."  This has happened before but not under the economic climate we have today.  Out largest debtor is China and they lost faith in the dollar some time ago and are dumping them on the open market as fast as they can.  Other nations (we owe practically everyone) is and will do the same if Friday, August 2nd deadline arrives without a "strong cohesive plan to raise the ceiling" is not met by Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party and the President, catastrophic events could occur. These include increasing interest rates making borrowing money even worse than today.  The value of Eagle, the U.s. dollar will begin a downward spiral where some pundits say you may see 10 cents on every dollar you have.  An jump in unemployment is also predicted which we can ill afford. There will be long lines at the banks and ATM machines. I do mean to frighten everyone or set off a panic but th...

Tea Party, GOP Sets New Date for Rapture!

Rapture to Begin in Tea Minus: 17 Days. August 2, 2011. The Political Folly of a viable Debate over whether or how to raise the Nation's Debt Ceiling is the latest doomsday weapon within the Republic Party.  They are not tweaking the "family budget!"  Tea Party members need to educate themselves in regards to a Global economy and the Apocalyptic events that will certainly follow.  It is in the hands of folks like John Boehner, House Speaker of Ohio, Michele Bachmann, Rep. Minnesota, Rep. Eric Cantor, Virginia and those in right wing favored pundits of the media, FOX News (Rupert Murdach, Owner).  This is "a scare tactic" of the Obama administration, an accusation Rep.Michele Bachmann implied.  I would argue Ms Bachmann has it in the reverse. It is a scare tactic by the Tea Party and Eric Cantor, GOP House Minority Leader. Accounts of the meeting chaired by the President are varied but the one most plausible is that toward the end of the mee...