
Showing posts from March, 2016




AS OBAMA PROMOTES BASIC FREEDOMS IN CUBA HE SPEAKS TO THE HEART OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY March 22, 2016 As many Americans I awoke today to the news of the horrific terror and human devastation taking place in Brussels. The images broadcast from Europe are taking effect. It comes to mind that Europeans and Americans froze in place witnessing again the fear promoted by a few upon the many. As first responders rush to the aid of multiple casualties, leaders in Belgium and France echo "We are at War." And with those words police and the military are in the process of locking down the city and have begun house to house searches and secure the borders. People are advised to stay indoors as authorities are sifting through the chaos. As Europe struggles to regain composure and reclaim some sense of order, individual liberties are put on hold. In the Middle East there are reports of ISIS celebrating this temporary victory. The strategy of fear has once again put the West on noti


THIS A YEAR THAT SHOULD FRIGHTEN YOU We are barely three months in to the 2016 calendar, a year that is one where we have a presidential election. Thus far, this year has been a bit crazy and there does not appear to be anything to indicate we will veer from an even stranger course. And I fear become more violent. Anyone of my generation the year 1968 will come to mind. And not in a good way. They are not fond memories of our university experience and education.   The year began with a country divided in a deep chasm. The issues included Race, Poverty, Income Inequality and a prolonged War in a foreign land that drained human and financial resources. It is no surprise they exist today. Protests against the Vietnam War were intensifying daily on university and college campuses across the country from Columbia in New York to University of California, Berkley. Government reaction began to “put down” the malcontent. As long as the protesters were in relatively small numbers, p

Bill Maher & Bernie Sanders Explain 'Socialism' To America

   HOW I CAME TO UNDERSTAND A " DEMOCRTATIC SOCIALIST" IS NOT RADICAL OR EVIL, AND CAME TO LOVE FEELING THE BERN!   By now most people have taken note of the primaries and the candidates and how it is playing out on the national stage. In Michigan the primary has past and Bernie Sanders, self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist pulled off one of the greatest upsets in American political history. It was a relatively small margin, but a win nonetheless.     My purpose here is to help clarify how a majority of all Americans view or believe about Bernie's brand of socialist philosophy of economics and politics.   The You-Tube video above is a first step, I believe in removing the most negative connotations or deep-seated misgivings many Americans hold when they hear this nasty word: Socialism.     Socialism can sometimes be embedded in the systems Americans have been taught to hate. Marxism and Communism is what our country has fought to defeat across the


“EXCUSE ME”…   I’M TALKING” AND “SORRY TO DELIVER THE BAD NEWS,” BERNIE SANDERS DID NOT LOSE THE DEBATE HILLARY FEELING THE BERN, SHE IS NOT "IN LIKE FLINT"   It irritates me to no end when conservatives cast the media as being too “Liberal” or to the left. However, it angers me when a piece such as the one that appeared in The Washington Post printed the morning after the latest Democratic debate. How someone can come to such a quick conclusion in giving their slant on such an important event is beyond my patience. The article to which I refer is entitled: “ Five reasons Bernie Sanders lost last night’s Democratic debate ”   by James Hohmann Upon reading this piece I reviewed some of the same video clips of the debate as the Post entered as links. What I saw and what words I heard cannot characterize Bernie Sanders as the loser. The points listed are weak, not to mention far from “reporting the facts” as a competent journalist is compelled. 1.       Clinton


ALL EYES ARE ON MICHIGAN PRIMARY: WHY BLACKS NEED TO "FEEL THE BERN"  & VOTE FOR SANDERS    "A FUTURE TO BELIEVE IN" - SANDERS HAS A RECORD IN HIS FIGHT FOR JUSTICE & EQUALITY   To Black, Hispanic and All Voters in Michigan, Your Time is NOW!  VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS on Tuesday!   Detroit & Flint, MI (updated March 6, 2016)   The Truth is   Bernie Sanders up to this time has been snubbed by Black leadership with a blanket endorsement of Hillary Clinton. The rationale has been to stick with someone "they know." This kind of thinking among white male voters gave a second term to George W. Bush and WE all know where that led. And, President Obama inherited not only Bush blunders but the blame for income inequality, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the collapse of the economy at the hands of Wall Street.   The old ways are not working . It is time for a peaceful movement and a non-violent political revolution for the ve