HELEN THOMAS A LEGACY PRESERVED! (August 5, 1906 - July 20, 2013)

Helen Thomas takes her front row seat in the James Brady White House Press Room During the Clinton Administration I experienced an opportunity that came as a complete surprise. Barbara Isaac a sister, entered my office to tell me she was transferring a call to me. My first thought, a disgruntled provider is calling due to a problem. When I balked at picking up my phone, Barbara whispered "It's Helen! She is calling from her desk in the White House Press area. It was a privileged first for me and more was to come. It was a late December weekend in the midst of a contentious Election 2000 when Barbara telephoned. She called to extend an invitation to join the Thomas Family for a Holiday meal. Helen was home in Detroit during a lull in the news. The entire nation held their breath as Florida election officials counted "hanging chads" and the State Supreme Court struggled with a historic ruling. It took only seconds to accept the invitation. To this day so I a...