
Showing posts from December, 2014




MADNESS IN THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF DETROIT! DECEMBER 22, 2014 -DETROIT - Last night  four teens from affluent Grosse Pointe "wandered or deliberately" ventured among a war zone I heard labeled as little Beirut, then Benton Harbor, Baghdad and my image of rural Ukraine. At approximately 9 PM on Saturday night the teens stopped on an undesirable street name of Philip. This area may be described as the most horrendous of their sixteen (16) years. One may attempt to visualize an image of a radio blaring Kayne West and taking precaution so not to be seen smoking marijuana in the stopped car. They may have believed that during one of the shortest days of the year, the cover of clouds and through a night eerily total black. Need I remind the reader, these are the babies of parents who will suffer a series of nightmares every night through the Joy of Christmas, but reminded every single day in the New Year. I believe there is little doubt they are gathered and spending this day in...