

JFK on 911 - Prophetic Words

Please click or paste the above link to listen to an unknown short speech President John F. Kennedy made early in his term.
I simply cannot simply let the eight years of incompetency and corruption of the Bush Administration escape discredit when every right wing pundit, 'birth-ers' and various hosts of television and radio shows continue their Number One Strategy in their opposition to President Obama legitimacy as the Chief Executive residing in the White House. The strategy is to use epithet "shouted out in the House of Representatives while the President spoke of his Health Care Reform Legislation and the misconceptions and exaggerations perpetrated by many in order to use catch words or phrases to garner support to their cause. Words or phrases such as "Death Squads" under Health Reform as written is simply an untruth spoken by you know who? Wink!

It is this type of catch phrase or "spin" so successfully utilized by the Republican Party that they controlled the White House and Congress for most of the past eight years. Instead of "Inheritance Tax" we heard about nothing but "Death Tax." It is these phrases that the media continues to broadcast as they solicit shouting and other outbursts at town hall meetings and as mentioned on the floor of the House.

Do you suppose for one minute that if Sen. Ted Kennedy or even Sander Levin shouted out to President Bush, "YOU LIE" he would not be censured if not escorted from the chamber by Dick Cheney's personal secret service men. This only strategy the Republicans have is there attempts to cast doubt on Obamas's credentials to be President as some have now realized this is an African American in the White House and they are not acclimated to a new Commander-In-Chief. No one would have had the poor taste to shout as Joe Wilson did if the man at the podium were "white." If the Republicans were to discuss the facts about health care reform they know they would lose on every point. Why are the Democrats not seizing this moment to take control as the other party did in writing legislation as they did with "Medicare Part D" covering Rx for the elderly. Democrats were not allowed to enter the conference rooms where the new legislation was written let alone have any say. However, representatives and attorneys from the major Health Care Insurers were present to write the bill that would only be to their benefit.

The Bush Administration for eight years lied to Congress, lied to the then Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Secretary of Treasury and the top National Security Officer on Terrorism, Richard Clarke resigned after only a brief term as he saw all of this from its' inception.

Anyway, I am forwarding (to some for a second time) a link to a You Tube taped speech of JFK that had to have been made in 1961. His prophetic words regarding America in 2001 and through 2008 ring loud and true today as when he spoke them.
resist and let the eight years of incompetency and corruption of the Executive Office go when every right wing pundit, 'birth-ers' and various hosts of television and radio shows continue their Number One Strategy in their opposition to President Obama; his legitimacy as the Chief Executive residing in the White House. The strategy is to use epithet "shouted out in the House of Representatives while the President spoke of his Health Care Reform Legislation and the misconceptions and exaggerations perpetrated by many in order to use catch words or phrases to garner support to their cause. Words or phrases such as "Death Squads" under Health Reform as written is simply an untruth spoken by you know who? Wink!

It is this type of catch phrase or "spin" so successfully utilized by the Republican Party that they controlled the White House and Congress for most of the past eight years. Instead of "Inheritance Tax" we heard about nothing but "Death Tax." It is these phrases that the media continues to broadcast as they solicit shouting and other outbursts at town hall meetings and as mentioned on the floor of the House.

Do you suppose for one minute that if Sen. Ted Kennedy or even Sander Levin shouted out to President Bush, "YOU LIE" he would not be censured if not escorted from the chamber by Dick Cheney's personal secret service men. This only strategy the Republicans have is there attempts to cast doubt on Obama's credentials to be President as some have now realized this is an African American in the White House and they are not acclimated to a new Commander-In-Chief. No one would have had the poor taste to shout as Joe Wilson did if the man at the podium were "white." If the Republicans were to discuss the facts about health care reform they know they would lose on every point.

Why are the Democrats not seizing this moment to take control as the Republicans did over the past eight years? This is the time to step forward and march fast as a united Democratic Party and seize what may surely be the only chance the American People have in taking part in and taking back their own democracy! If President Obama did not pander as much to the opposition, but took full power of his office as President's Lincoln and FDR have in the past the "Yes We Can" promise may disappear, party did in writing legislation as they did with "Medicare Part D" covering Rx for the elderly. Democrats were not allowed to enter the conference rooms where the new legislation was written let alone have any say. However, representatives and attorneys from the major Health Care Insurers were present to write the bill that would only be to their benefit.

The Bush Administration for eight years lied to Congress, lied to the then Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Secretary of Treasury and the top National Security Officer on Terrorism, Richard Clarke resigned after only a brief term as he saw all of this from its' inception.

Anyway, I am forwarding (to some for a second time) a link to a You Tube taped speech of JFK that had to have been made in 1961. His prophetic words regarding America in 2001 and through 2008 ring loud and true today as when he spoke them.


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