This Is The End?? ........................ It only lasted a short while. The trauma suffered took much of the fight, the humiliation some of my will but I hung on to my Dignity. I would not allow my dignity to be taken. Even now there are those where you look to as equals and friends as you attempt to put one bad chapter behind you and begin this “new” life? .... I learn everyday many of those who enjoyed the “Real World” are not of the same mold of their parents whether white, black, Latino, Asian, rappers, birthers , etc... "Everyone Lies!" is one theorem scripted for HOUSE . Believe it. This is an X or a Y generation that may be just that; ‘X-rated’ and ‘Y the hell do they do’ all that...stuff?.... I learned again today that the manipulation of the truth still prospers. They put spins on the truth faster than “Rush” Limbaugh! My dilemma is whether to pursue those that persecute, violate my freedom and privacy and ‘use’ for what financial gain they...