

President Obama, Jobs, Labor Day and Detroit

Detroit, September 5, 2011

Today marks the celebration of a National recognition of the working class of men and women who built the strength our economy, the standard of living we enjoy and the sacrifices of those who fought for the established Labor Unions we have come to know over several decades. Nowhere is Labor Day celebrated by working class Americans than the City of Detroit.  Further, nowhere has more blood been shed to first reform the unfair and dangerous practices of the corporations of the period of 1940 until the present day.

Organized labor has over the years established the standard 40 hours work week, payment of overtime, elimination of inherent dangers sanctioned or ignored by employers. Unfortunately, most of those who followed the "Greatest Generation" of Americans, from the Baby Boomers through the newest generation of those children who came of age after that horrible day of 9/11/01.  Most treat Labor Day as another holiday, free from a grueling day of work and a time to party.  They fail to recognize the important sacrifices made over decades to create the American Dream for all in the new "Middle Class."

For more information on the history of the labor movement in a synopsis form easy to read I direct you to the website:

The site gives a brief history of the Labor Movement from the inception in 1882 through the present day.  It is a record of the many sit-down strikes by rank and file workers who suffered loss of wages and physical brutatlity of their employers.  The memory of their sacrifice in life, spent blood and their eventual success in a formation of organized labor. The establishment of the National Labor Relations Act gave the right to labor to organize but it was not until the 1940's that unions through sit-down strikes cemented benefits we all enjoy today.
Today there will be parades marking the success of the Labor Union and President Obama will join the ranks of former Presidents Truman, Kennedy and Johnson who will commemorate this day in the place known as the "Arsenal of Democracy.

President Obama is expected to give some "hints" of the plan he will outline to the Nation on Thursday evening.  Before tuning in to the "kick-off of the NFL season" it is a duty as a citizen for all America to hear this, our President in his televised address to the United States.  We know doubt his strategy to put Americans back to work because new jobs will stimulate the economy but hopefully save the "middle class" and what every generation has come to enjoy since the 1930's.

Presidnet Obama's address may include a lower corrporate tax rate in order to bring jobs back to America.  It will no doubt kick-start the economy with a nation-wide and expansive rebuilding of our country's infrastructure which is another sign of our decline to that of second-rate society.

In posts to follow I hope to address the decline of the Labor Movement, the orchestrated strategy of the Republican Party and the truth regarding the impact of Unions in their role in national politics. 

So please join Aretha Franklin, President Obama and the crowd east of the General Motors building in singing " Let Freedom Ring."


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