America’s Rebuttal of the Romney 47% Remarks –They Still Don’t Get It!
Like many of you, I became incensed and temporarily
speechless by the audacity of Mitt Romney’s condescending and insulting remarks
last week before his closest supporters and contributors. Mitt Romney still
doesn’t get it! Romney took no prisoners in his disdainful characterization of most Americans.
Romney's remarks is overt, outright declaration of war never articulated
precisely and unabashedly blatant in his utter contempt of the middle class. What
is more abhorrent is his outright attack on the poorest, disabled and elderly.
If we leave Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to
their "reform" and voucher approach to Medicare they will endanger
millions of retired American citizens now and your benefits in the future. If
you reverse, his same arguments apply them to himself and the wealthiest of
The Future of Capitali$m is a blog that promotes ultra
Conservative view of our capitalist system that consistently points to
President Barak Obama as the force behind an orchestrated move toward “socialism.”
This characterization is another example
of the overall strategy going back to Bush/Cheney, Economics of Fear.
There is an adage that when you, Mr. Romney “point your
finger” at one group and chastise them as the problem there remains “four
fingers” pointing back at the mitt.
Senator DeMint of South Carolina is quoted in the op-ed
piece in the Future of Capitali$m from
his book in a derogatory worse…” more than 50% of Americans now receive a
significant portion of their income from government programs...Nearly a third
of all American pay no federal income taxes. The larger the number of dependent
voters grows and the fewer who pay taxes," he purports is the problem. the
less likely politicians will have the political courage to stop the growth of
dependency-creating programs."
The Senator has some credibility in the growth of American’s
dependency on government help. However, what Sen. DeMint misses is the simple
explanation behind his numbers. Does he and Mitt Romney truly believe that “slackers”
voluntarily put their mortgages under water?
Did homeowners beginning in 2008 voluntarily default on
their mortgages?
Do Americans whine because they feel they are “victims?” You bet we do. We are victims of an absurd
tax code, filled with loopholes for you and hops for the rest of us to jump
Do we believe government owes us entitlements? You betcha! (Wink) We wish to be entitled to comparable tax
breaks, working hours and benefits that they have.
Did they invade corporations using private equity philosophy
and “business” practices close plants and fire workers? Where afterwards
without any sense of morality and sense of equality they will only offer gratuitous
wage and benefit packages to the same workers they fired! They must be delusional
by their steadfast belief that this is American Capitalism. Does Mitt Romney,
Inc really believe he can sell the public once again on this shell game?
Do they truly believe that is the failure and shame of a middle
class, those who fight their wars that are to blame?
How can they use what logical abilities they retain that to
continue with a progressive society and economy is a move toward “socialism.”
And, to which we can only stem the infestation of fairness by eliminating the right
of collective bargaining?
Do they believe that in the depiction of Labor Unions as the
villain? Can they believe America will continue to accept this lie?
The answer is a resounding No!
Romney points his finger that these same people “pay no
taxes!” Is this a crime when you have no income or larger dodge of
responsibility when the wealthy led by example of Mr. Romney avoid taxes by
every means available including moving money offshore? The minute tax rates are
irresponsible and in my view unpatriotic in light of the Crisis created by
large institutional investors, banks and private equity firms (BAIN) saddle
their takeovers with billions in debt, borrow to pay themselves and initial
investors, leave the very government they control and then criticize to bail
them out. All of this, they will swear is good business practice and private
job creation. In reality, even those of us using simple arithmetic are not
fooled with their move to erode, and then destroy the middle class.
Let there be no mistake, Mitt Romney and his army of corporate
support only wish to advance an agenda to make government work for their ends
and their needs first and foremost.
They choose to ignore
the premises on which our nation is found in promoting the general welfare (not
welfare for themselves), equality of opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. If you examine their words and actions, they actually
flaunt their betrayal of the Oath and their individual responsibility to our
Declaration of Freedom and Constitution.
We can trace this anti-union, worker movement back to
the '80s as the GOP strategy to destroy any progressive legislation that
supports the dichotomy of freedom and equality. They are the guilty privileged class in the
mistreatment of all American workers and the failure to improve the quality of
life. There are other nations that not only survive the threat of Marxist Socialism
takeover, but also thrive economically while affording and protecting human
rights and benefits for all.
These nations possess fewer means, wealth and power than the
USA. We have the resources and know how. However, due to the strangle hold the
wealthiest of Americans on power we only lack the Resolve!
If there is division in America, the wealthy have built it.
If this Election is a class war, they built it. The irony is how they take on a
passive-aggressive offense where they are first to place blame on anyone but themselves.
This is a common psychological strategy
and distortion of the truth. This how sociopaths divert, misdirect and project problems
to an unsuspecting public.
They use the tools of propaganda skillfully to strike First
and to strike Hard and it is unrelenting. It is like "Shock and Awe."
For too long, we the People remain subject to the whims and
corruption on Wall Street and a tax code that only favors the wealthy. This is
the“culture” they built” for more than fifty years. It finds its' base in massive
wealth and a disdain for those with less. They just don’t get it!
It is time we use the strength in the number of our Votes to overturn this
corruption enacted over time. IT has failed. It is time to remove Citizens United,
lobby groups with huge influence and run out their puppets
in Congress. If the result over the next few generations is to reverse a
corrupt philosophical failed practice and some redistribution of economic responsibility
occurs, so be it!
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