I believe
my TIME is spent. Summer is gone. I am the last to know anything. This I assure you from my experience of
yesterday to those recent. The dark night carries forward on into today. For
some unknown reason, I get everything turned backwards. Finally, now at summer’s
end I will have my Schwinn, one of two
ever new, undergo repair. What backward movement repairing an old stalwart,
contemplating the meaning, if any as winter approaches. This past spring a red
cardinal sang the same solo to me each morning. Awake and move Forward!
As I sit
sipping my coffee at the keyboard, I hear the familiar song of a beautiful Red Cardinal.
It is a song beckoning to a female to join in union. I hear, than imagine how
nature can employ a persistent cry reaching
much farther than my courtyard window. Is
it a simple calling to a personal me or one touching the lives of others?
On the
other hand, does its’ range more extensive. After all, millions of this same
species use their call to reach all. A cardinal
native to our country resounds persistently loud and clear until it reaches our
mightiest, the soaring American Eagle. The range and scope may even touch the
endangered bird of Egypt, Ibis an ancient bird representing a transfiguration. The ancient honored Ibis who took on the aggressive role of the falcon,
Horus. This falcon Horus possessed great power to
transfigure man, perhaps a government.
In addition, the Great White Pelican of Libya occupies a lofty
position among ancient traditions with a following still present today. Is it any
surprise that the birds, today and antiquity is but just one of many signs urging
to us, it is time. Move Forward!
Make no mistake. I am not without sin, grave mistakes, and some of the worst
choices that can made by one man. I often pay more attention to
those of little means resulting in a distancing of myself to those closest and loyal. I rely on the
perception they were strong and did not require my intervention. I was not
oblivious of this fact. I would anguish over this dichotomy, a reach from a
weakened position to help a larger whole while lacking the skill for more intimate
social relationships.
This past summer now ending, I failed
myself to take note. The signs were all
there. Summer just ending we endured record-breaking temperatures, a host of
tornadoes and floods while simultaneously farmers plagued with drought .
Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans survived. They did it through their
common spirit and faith in the history and future of ALL. They cooperated for
the common good, not for the wealthy. If necessary, they relied on common sense
and compromised! United, they came
together as they have so many times in the past to overcome one setback, one
hurdle and they did not need accomplish it willing by taking on two jobs at $9
per hour. One party wants to turn back the clock, another block wishes to
return to a past where they ignored the plight of most only to sip Tea. What an outfit!
There is another choice where some believe does not have a proven record and winning a race to a prosperous finish line. Do they not get it? For the past four years the Republican Minority Leader in the House has vowed to do nothing but remove the sitting President. That is exactly what they did while millions of Americans suffer without a job!
During President Washington’s terms, those known as "obstructionists" were deemed “scallywags.” With the end of the Civil War ushered in a new Era of Reconstruction. Former Confederate states condemned the invasion by Northern bankers and industry as they traveled south with a singular goal of taking charge of the defeated South in rebuilding an economy. They began to unduly influence local governments and their economic restructure. All of which lined their pockets. These are the “Carpetbaggers." Today they might defined as “Venture Capitalists of Private Equity.” Carpetbaggers became the "bain" of the South as simple Arithmetic dictates who will win this game and who will pay.
There is another choice where some believe does not have a proven record and winning a race to a prosperous finish line. Do they not get it? For the past four years the Republican Minority Leader in the House has vowed to do nothing but remove the sitting President. That is exactly what they did while millions of Americans suffer without a job!
During President Washington’s terms, those known as "obstructionists" were deemed “scallywags.” With the end of the Civil War ushered in a new Era of Reconstruction. Former Confederate states condemned the invasion by Northern bankers and industry as they traveled south with a singular goal of taking charge of the defeated South in rebuilding an economy. They began to unduly influence local governments and their economic restructure. All of which lined their pockets. These are the “Carpetbaggers." Today they might defined as “Venture Capitalists of Private Equity.” Carpetbaggers became the "bain" of the South as simple Arithmetic dictates who will win this game and who will pay.
In recent months many of you may witness
the beauty of a lazy summer day, a night where you saw the Northern Lights. I
suspect 47% of you took a dip in the pool, a boat ride along the Detroit River,
perhaps a family barbecue followed by a magnificent display of fireworks to celebrate
the signing of our Declaration of Independence. Yes. It is our Independence
signed, sealed and delivered. How many times must we repeat the words meant not for the privileged but,for one America.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”
At present there is one Party that interprets and attempts to implement the
intention of the authors of this, the greatest document espousing freedom by way of Revolution. These are the democratic majority who strive to stay true to the assertion of that we are all “endowed by their Creator with certain…”
But the signers of this Declaration did not mean to stop with this one document. They are the architects of a more perfect Union and possessed the vision that when this new government submits to interests that challenge our rights, freedom, equality in treatment and pursuit of happiness, the People are obligated to bring them down.
But the signers of this Declaration did not mean to stop with this one document. They are the architects of a more perfect Union and possessed the vision that when this new government submits to interests that challenge our rights, freedom, equality in treatment and pursuit of happiness, the People are obligated to bring them down.
On the other hand, another Party that wish to interpret this Declaration to their own advantage and
will fight to uphold their misguided version of to who is guaranteed their rights. They will have you believe that the intent of the authors was
not to uphold freedom and equality “for all men” and women. Slavery continued
subjugating one class upon the plight of another. A Republican President,
Abraham Lincoln began the re-education of those espousing those beliefs under
God. He proclaimed the Emancipation Proclamation.
They did not give up
as Radical Republicans in Congress (much like those who exist within the Republican Party today) took steps
with legislation to allow Jim Crow Laws perpetuated in the South. These local laws were written with one goal in mind; to deny every man's right to vote. Today, the Republicans revive the prejudice within them by raising the most trivial criteria in determining an individual vote. Some act under the guise of
protecting the sanctity of the “ballot” by arguing “one man, one vote.”
The similarity of what occurred in the past is rearing its ugly head again. Among us one party ignore the basic
tenets of our freedom. They bulldoze local governments to amend voting laws in
their favor. In some cases, they are succeeding. They are forcing voters to
provide several documents of identification and proof of residence before exercising
their God given right to vote.
The majority of prior administrations adhered, but there is one now that if elected will usurp your rights, ability to earn fair wage, equal pay and deny benefits for all working Americans. I defer to the following paragraph of
Our Declaration.
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate
that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient
causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more
disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by
abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of
abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to
throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
What is at stake in
this upcoming Election is a choice for whatever it’s acknowledged faults will
move Forward to see that you Rights are not usurped and the Governing body now
be merged by a Corporate entity that are individuals one day and conglomeration
when in their favor. This election is about ALL of the People voting for a representative government who swear to uphold the words of the Declaration and U.S. Constitution.
As common sense Americans we must come to the conclusion that the rights of all can only be upheld by re-electing President Barack Obama! But we must not stop with one office. We need to elect a Democratic Congress and Senate so that obstructionists to progress and division can be achieved. We need to Move Forward!
As common sense Americans we must come to the conclusion that the rights of all can only be upheld by re-electing President Barack Obama! But we must not stop with one office. We need to elect a Democratic Congress and Senate so that obstructionists to progress and division can be achieved. We need to Move Forward!
As far as I can
determine that my time is near over. It will have been spent in obscurity and
without notoriety. I will only try to accomplish what I can based on what I
have to offer.
The caged bird sings
ReplyDeletewith a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.
Maya Angelou
I think bird is a good one to add to your eloquent prose, Gary.
Or this one:
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
I feel invigorated by the past few weeks and the polls. The only thing is, I remember 1999, when I thought it was ludicrous that anyone thought that George W Bush would win. And he didn't win. It took about 2 months for the Supreme Court to anoint him president. We shouldn't be complacent. Romney has more money to work with than Bush. We should not stick our head in the sand like an ostrich.