
Showing posts from June, 2014



IRAQ - Epitome of American Failure

IRAQ - A Perfect Example of American Failure to Act on Democratic Principles We Espouse "We the People" now have the truth of "Our" Government's flagrant use of propaganda, disinformation, white noise, misinformation and outright lies found in blunder after blunder in IRAQ. This expedition to uncover hideous WMDs, free the Iraqi people with democracy and "promote" or protect our national interest is "malarkey." Our wild expedition into Iraq and now the astonishing and rapid collapse of government serves as a summary of our failures and the corruption operating in Washington. The well publicized blunders and those not yet well publicized are not new. Our operative intervention in Iraq has a history in our past. Our history serves as a timeline of government repetitive failures. Korea, the Cold War, Vietnam, the so-called war on drugs in South America, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan and Iraq are the obvious. There is a commonality in all of t...

IRAQ in a Freefall --- revised

I R A Q    IS … IS In A Freefall! OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM is MISSION UNACCOMPLISHED Or “MISSION IMPOSSIBLE?” The Colossal Failure of the U.S. in IRAQ Should Serve A Wake-Up Call for “We the People” MISSION ACCOMPLISHED   These are just a few of potential ideas for a title for the blog as they came to overwhelm my brain.  There is a deluge of information transmitted daily by the BBC-Network and Reuters over the Internet since Monday this week. As I viewed, the photographs, read, watched live reports and some shocking videos, my mind was on overload and confusion. I decided to waste time in checking what our major networks were up to as Mosul is being “overrun” by ISIS. This group is the latest to enter the fray and go by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ) .  Every news program kept their focus on the tired over analysis of stories of Benghazi, Bergdahl, Eric Cantor and Hillary’s new bo...
THE DIEGO RIVERA FRESCO – DETROIT   The  Diego Rivera Fresco appear in my blog represent a view of Detroit Industry as the artists unique perspective upon the interaction between the explosive advances in manufacturing depicted and human frailty. Graham W.J. Beal, Director of the Detroit Institute of Arts in his June Letter to the membership announces that the Rivera creation has now earned National Historic recognition. Director Beal references the work as not only murals, but as enacted in “fresco cycle.” Immediately I thought of the blog and my error. I failed to describe Rivera’s “fresco” style. I can only attribute the error to time spent in a novice “freestyle” study as I took refuge from my classes in the courtyard. I wish to edit and revise this portion of my overview I employ. The creation of Rivera’s Fresco faced immense criticism from Detroit’s elite labeling the work leaning to a socialist view. As sponsors, the Edsel Ford family came under fire...