

OMG! I nearly forgot The Importance of Holy Thursday ad The Last Supper

Dateline:12 Hours Ago, 12 Apostles, The Last Supper and 13 at the Table 
Location: Anywhere In the World


Oh my GOD! Last night I nearly missed most important about the day. It was only when I gazed from a second level window with the courtyard (gardens) below and a Heavenly sight above, the illumination of a full Moon. When awed by the beauty of the full moon, it dawned on me that the pain of my day meant nothing as this was  HOLY THURSDAY. 


That moon and one visible bright star joggled my memory prompting me to write a post for my Facebook timeline. Some time ago, Father Michael Donovan was pastor of St. Donald's Church. I came to find Father Mike as my spiritual mentor and a brilliant historian of the early days of the Catholic Church. Father Mike with a masters in Theology, Economics and Astrology. 

I feel compelled to include my reverence toward and gratitude to Father Mike Donovan now deceased only about 2 years ago. Regrettably I am guilty of  negligence by my failure "to keep watch" with him during his final assignment. It is a decade or more,  I set out on my own church "search engine" visiting and testing the waters to locate the one local parish I can feel most comfortable and one where the Pastor held true to a calling of hard-core theology, facts versus theory or conjecture and speak with conviction based on study as to Science weighed against the metaphorical Bible (to which so many cling to as the only word of God). 

Mike Donovan, Irish and born and raised in or near Grand Rapids Michigan as Pastor of "juggled and balanced" his homilies in such a way to adhere to the "latest, most recent company line" as directed by those within  a confused hierarchy of the Archdiocese of Detroit and the often contradictory directives from a Vatican under fire. But Father Mike never backed off controversial stem cells and pedophile priests.  
Father Mike conducted his own intense study of the universe, the stars and a Big Bang theory as fact. He somehow managed, merged and served up Religious Dogma with Modern Science along with a Lenten Fish Fry. As an expert in theology with a master's degree he earned "on location" studying in Jerusalem, Gaza, and the Cradle of Civilization in Iraq as preparation for priesthood. While other Catholic Churches just down the street sang love or campfire songs from the pulpit  Father Mike essentially stuck to the "book" without the "cover" or  frills of a choir or rock band. (I do believe Jesus was referring to a different rock to build his church). 

Father taught from both the pulpit and the classroom. He presented convincing arguments that the night before Christ's crucifixion and death was most  important day in all of Holy Week. It is the commemoration of the Last Supper (communion) and the night Jesus is seen as any mortal man struggling with self-doubt.

It is Passover, Holy Week and Ramadan where Jews, Christians and Muslims follow now  thousands of years later held true to their religious tradition. We all seek to meditate, examine our conscious, our sins and ask Our Lord forgiveness. This is our time as individuals to bear witness and remember how Jesus Christ prayed so intensely to God the Father. Jesus doubted his own resolve by imploring his Father's aid to  endure the horror of  three days to follow where would be sacrificed so to become Our Savior. 

In modern language, he may have prayed that if this was to be, then he would run with it! If only the Father would grant him, a mere mortal to endure the coming injustice.

He would sweat and emote so much pain in his private prayer only to find that his apostles  could not remain awake even one hour with him.

Judas Iscariot would then betray (hate on) him. He would be arrested at behest of Pharisees (the non-tolerant haters). Jesus would be judged by King Herod for impersonating a real savior as he was only a Man.

Pontius Pilate, lacking the courage of his own convictions would allow a menacing crowd decide his fate. Those within the ordinary people were whipped into a frenzy. It was a hysteria stirred from within by those naysayers (Liars, jokers and thieves) based on intolerance, ignorance and destined to deflect their own faults and displace blame. The louder majority in the mob cried out: Guilty! Guilty!

Jesus Christ, a mortal human (remember) was stripped of his couture, a seamless dior cloak, scourged, crowned with thorns (as if queen). He would bear his own cross on which to be crucified! He was jeered and spat upon by those (bullies, losers) along the stations (trek) to his end. 

Holy Saturday he was laid to rest with only a fine cloth (nearly naked, humiliated). Before dawn on Sunday he was resurrected (living dead) and it is celebrated as Easter (cute bunnies of lindor, godiva or even lady gaga chocolate). His death redeemed all of our sins! Christ is tolerant, a loving God, a teacher and symbolic lawmaker (Indiana's Governor Pence?). 

I need pause, reflect and pray for my sins (lies, impurities, etc) and beg forgiveness. I kneel before God the Father, Jesus Christ the mortal son and the Holy Ghost (Spirit) and do this time after time. 

Does any of the events of Passion Week remind you of anything today, of yourself, your identity and your own frailty as merely human?

Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper is stirred by controversy and conjecture for centuries and even in recent years with the release of The Da Vinci Code.


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