
Showing posts from June, 2015



The Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex Marriage

JUNE 26, 2015 "IT'S ONLY JUST BEGINNING..." The recent Supreme Court decision is a ruling on Marriage between same sex couples as it applies to the Law. The majority interpreted that to deny gays to marry is a  violation of the Constitution. They decided that it is a "Constitutional Right." But, it is a human right! This and the Obama Care decisions I believe will be known as two landmark decisions of the 21st Century. Although a narrow margin for this decision with the 5 - 4 vote, it should send a message to those opposed. It is time for the Koch Bros, Karl Rove, Rick Santorum, George Huckabee,  Rupert Murdoch, and FOX News who sided with Justice  Anthony Scalia and the other three dissenters  to take pause. The evangelical elitists and U.S. Cit izens who identify with their anti-gay marriage opinion should do so as well. Most will not, but as citizens whom oppose this historic Supreme Court ruling should consider a honest self examination of their...


JULIE  GRADUATES  WITH FLYING COLORS  AND HIGH HONORS  FROM WARREN WOODS TOWER HIGH SCHOOL CONGRATULATIONS!  MANY SALUTATIONS! My Lovely Niece Julie  - June 1, 2015 Julie, Félicitations et magnifiques! Your graduation day arrives at last, As for family, time passes too fast. The future brings challenges you need not fear For the love of all your family will always be near!         June 15, 2015 Written & Published this day 15 June 2015 ©gg/livingonthediagonal.blogspot