QUICK HITS, NEWS & QUIPS WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? AN OLD JOKE, MODERN ANSWER ANSWER TO ABOVE: The Chickens have Voted for a Strike! They demand there is no more chicken feed wages, no more Chinese Bird Flue Imports, a Right to Organize! If the American people will not organize and demonstrate out of the Fear of Reprisal, then the Roosters who wake you at dawn and chickens who lay eggs will. Rooster Cogburn of the Association of Rooster, Chicken and Hen organization is quoted in the Midwest Gazetteer: "We will exercise our right to fly the coop organize and assemble. We will cross any farmer's dirt road, interstate highway and Michigan and Pennsylvania Avenues. We will cackle and defy the threats of the NRA! As the last rooster crows a new dawn, we as members of ARCH will protest peacefully against CITIZENS UNITED and the Wall Street Financial Institutions' endless scramble from truth, justice and the American way. They must c...