A Revised Post and Addendum (4th Edition)
is an alternative and it is based upon how we identify who are the
most likely terrorists? The current refugee debate is fueled by fear. This fear
is not only about who these refugees are, but how we fight the distortion of
posting the original blog I have come across critical data we must
recognize if the West and Muslims is to defeat ISIS. The transcript of a speech
appearing in a Foreign Policy post today. It supports
my theory I purported several years ago in a published letter (The
Detroit News). The letter described how Communism flourished in
Vietnam and a philosophy to combat (and defeat) the ideology in
theory without war.
strongly encourage you read the transcript of a speech presented by Prof.
Dr. Olivier Roy, European University Institute in San Domenico, through
the Foreign Policy link below.
Olivier Roy raises critical questions and answers them. Here is a
we draw a general portrait of an Islamist radical? Can we define the conditions
and circumstances.... sociological, psychological, cultural patterns that could
be identified as characterizing the radical?"
of Dr. Roy's conclusions (my emphasis in bold) follow.
is a youth revolt against society, articulated on an Islamic religious
narrative of jihad. It is not the uprising of a Muslim community victim of
poverty and racism: only young people join, including converts who did
not share the ‘sufferings’ of Muslims in Europe. These rebels without a
cause find in jihad a ‘noble’ and global cause."
recruits are consequently used and directed by organized groups such
as Al Qaeda and ISIS with a radical and a strategic agenda, but
only after their delusions have taken hold.
Olivier Roy goes on to cite statistical data to dissect the numbers and
demographics of these European born young terrorists. The core of those
attracted to ISIS is not based on any religious devotion of Islam.
These youth are the disenchanted, those with records of petty crimes who
convene in jails and find a commonality. They do not think of a "heavenly
cause" where the "suicide bomber" is a martyr in the cause of
Islam, but rather a narcissistic view" seeking attention in a violent attack
on the system that suppresses them.
vast majority are not recruited by the Internet per se, but by social media
where an exchange of ideas based more on frustration and hatred
with peers of like minds. A smaller number of this group actually "entertain"
an actual defection to the ISIS cause in the Middle East. It is of
great importance to convey that the "Muslim" parents are as confused
by this adopted ideology and subsequent rebel behavior. There are also parents
of youth with no ties to Islam at all.
concept to scrutinize, monitor or close American mosques is ill
conceived (Mr. Trump). The Imams and those whose faith resides in true
Islam are not the enemy nor can they accurately finger the youth caught up in
this craze. The reason is simple. The youth who espouse terrorism are
not in the mosques. They are in a transition process where
the indoctrination comes from their peers and not the teachings of an Imam. The
ISIS core leaders take control and direct their new recruits once the
metamorphosis is complete and these youth become known to them through the
The Paris attacks has served to further discussion of who
are the terrorists and from where do they emanate? The Syrian refugee issue
then advances an emotional and legitimate debate among Americans. Most
is based upon fear of the unknown and without the benefit of Prof. Roy's
analysis. President Obama, Hillary
Clinton have advocated for the admission of 10,000 refugees fleeing
the war in Syria and the torture inflicted by ISIS.
The question is this. Why is the United States
painted first as the ironclad black knight or Satan by
any intervention in the Middle East? And then, the world turns to the same
United States to act as the white knight at the ready
to the rescue when a civil war or ethnic cleansing occurs?
Republican Presidential Candidates such as Donald Trump opposing any emigration
from Syria. He is advocating for close monitoring of mosques arguing that
members there "know who the bad people there" and fail to turn them in.
Trump in the least wants a "watch list" of those now present who have
demonstrated support for the Islamic Jihad.
Ben Carson explains his Syrian view in a metaphor
comparing the incoming refugees to a population where there
exist the "unknown known" when “rabid dogs" mysteriously
materialize within the whole of the group.
I may be stretching the overall picture by including
my photo I found poignant and in a way that represents the problem.
Perhaps, the fresh pure snow covering this setting represents the softer more
compassionate approach of some. They keep referring to the 10,000 Syrians as
"elderly women" and "orphans." The President argues that
blocking the innocent from entering goes against the very nature of our
Freedoms and policy espousing "give me your weak...the poor" etc.
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Ben Carson explains his Syrian view in a metaphor
comparing the incoming refugees to a population where there
exist the "unknown known" when “rabid dogs" mysteriously
materialize within the whole of the group.
I may be stretching the overall picture by including
my photo I found poignant and in a way that represents the problem.
Perhaps, the fresh pure snow covering this setting represents the softer more
compassionate approach of some. They keep referring to the 10,000 Syrians as
"elderly women" and "orphans." The President argues that
blocking the innocent from entering goes against the very nature of our
Freedoms and policy espousing "give me your weak...the poor" etc.
TO DATE, I have not seen any photos of elderly women and children, grouped or in a line waiting to leave the Middle East for the safety and welfare offered within the United States. I am not yet certain of a policy and procedure to go forward. We do not know what we are getting among these refugees. Many have no papers, no identification as we require. Who are these people?
I would like to point out that during the
"bloodbath" of what we may loosely label it "a civil war"
two million people have fled Syria and taken refuge in neighboring states.
These are the adjacent countries of Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Germany and now
the United States are called upon (by whom?) to transport thousands of miles to
take in a large population that will be difficult if not impossible to
assimilate. There are language barriers and the question of housing, jobs,
medical care and everyday support. What positives do they offer? How do they
enhance our economy?
The United States fails to adequately care for all of our
own. These are the poor, the sick, the elderly, the
marginalized youth, the disenfranchised the under employed, unemployed and the
mentally ill. The most visible of which is the group of 11 who periodically
take the stage and orchestrate what they term a GOP debate. These are those Sermon on the Mount tenets of Judeo-Christian
theology that found fabric within the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution
of the United States. These are God given Human Rights afforded across the
board, not to be dismissed by a powerful few. Those same servants of a larger group
would rather scrutinize email rather
than principles of our Democracy.
How can we assimilate an influx of refugees from a
culture we do not understand and fear?
In the early hours following the attack I viewed the
televised "shoot-out" in the St. Denys neighborhood. A
female Muslim leader, (her name escapes me) raises an important question.
She has serious reservations to a plan to transport thousands to nations
(United States) as far in distance as the language, religion and culture
inherent with them.
The question is: Why are the other wealthy Middle East
countries not mentioned or pressured to take in refugees? Why
is there no mention of how many refugees that Saudi Arabia, the
Emirates, Qatar and Egypt have given safe haven? The reason the countries
of the Middle East she explains quite adroitly with those words we have come to be so familiar "In the Interest of National Security."
Unless these oil rich nations step forward and accept the
burden to accept refugees, the Western Nations should not take in these
An Alternative plan must be considered. Since the refugees
cannot be properly vetted and suspect of motivation may be among
the ten thousands, here is one rather simple solution.
The United States will accept Syrian refugees. However, give
us only the elderly, children and orphans. NOT ONE single male or female
between the ages of twelve and fifty-five be allowed safe haven. This age
demographic, especially those age twenty (20) to thirty (30) are most
suspect of ISIS ideology. The young teens also present a danger as they have
been exposed to the same ideology and no doubt subject to indoctrination. This
age group present the largest danger to America. The United States should
now learn for once, say NO.
I apologize to the readers
for this revision, a written product that appears as scrambled as my brain.
There is so much information coming to light each passing day. I wish to argue
that the young terrorists in Paris, Syria, Great Britain, Germany, etc. have a
connection that may be strengthening in the West. Where? Right here in the once unified United States.
Caution: This is a topic of a future blog and the huge propaganda
machine in place for decades. I believe Karl Rove was not quite of age to
introduce it to our media, though it may have been a boyhood dream.
There is so much
more to investigate every day and process in a cogent manner. I cannot do
it alone, so my posts may be irregular and as
always contain typos, run-on sentences and other sentence structures I should
have the competence to diagram. How many know of which I write?
And there is more to come. This Jihad of the youth is not confined to the
Middle East or Western Europe and Asia. It is happening here in America. Oh,
you will not recognize it as it exists in Paris. No, it appears every few
months from Timothy McVee to Darryl Kleebol to the midnight movie murderer in
Denver, assassination attempt upon a dedicated Arizona Congresswoman to church
shootings, to the riots outside of St. Louis and Baltimore. I speak not of just
the citizenry but the brutal overreaction of a police force coming from the
same psychological profile and the inhumane treatment of young inmates at the
hands of guards and a system bent on private profit and keeping tight hold on
traffic violators as witnessed in the Macomb County Correctional Facility. The proverbial “we” have consistently
alienated many of our youth, denied education or pushed a system void of
virtue and value. Our youth, believe it or not are systematically introduced to
drug addiction. There is a denial of the epidemic of heroin addiction and
deaths among our youth. They are driven to commit petty crimes and
incarcerated where among them they move toward hatred. A contagion spreads
among them where violent opposition begins to take root.
There are those within government and especially the
multinational corporate global economy who by omission or commission foster this
state of mind by their greed. Worse, they pay no attention. The time will
come when the wealthy and those bastards within a bastion of greed will or
need to accept responsibility. They will need to be accountable for this
culture where profit is placed before people and average Americans are
If a government so dependent upon the corporate influence
does not wake up, they will be replaced. The largest multinationals,
the greedy financial institutions fail to accept their
responsibility in the demise of our democracy. The America we
recognized will cease to be. This is now a nation controlled by the
wealthy few who aspire to even greater wealth and a devotion to oligarchy.
We have a form of government that once was deposed as well as despised. We
have new model that resembles that of the former Soviet Union.
The terrorism we fear and wish to exterminate will not be
exported from the Middle East. It will come from within.
I invite your comments.
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