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A New Face for a President of the United States |
January 21, 2017 Washington D.C. (04:25)
Michael Beschloss, official Historian for MSNBC succinctly put into words his view of the 45th President upon delivering America's most important speech. "If one did not know, his speech was more of the same campaign rhetoric" as we have heard for months. Most in attendance described it to be "dark" and "vengeful." I would add "uninspiring."
The first Inaugural speech I recall is the one the majority of Americans best recall, whether Democrat and Republican is that of President John F. Kennedy. The tone rang of the strength of the nation, a surprising agenda defined as the far reaching goal to land the "first American on the moon within the next decade." JFK challenged ordinary Americans with the most memorable phrase as a challenge that chimes today.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
The youngest President then inspired an entire nation with those resounding words "the torch has been past to a new generation of Americans." Those eloquent, poetic and profound words became a metaphor for "We the People." They inspired a majority of boys and girls sitting in elementary school as they viewed in black and white in a room you could hear a pin drop. In their formative years and years to follow became their personal mandate, one that saw them overcome any barrier to a dream for their country.
Is there any elementary school teacher, other than those in a DeVoss charter school who bore witness to young boys, girls, black or white, disabled or bullied as seen as gay?
This inaugural speech, the tone, the Boston accent where our democratic republic was born could be recited by rote for thousands of elementary students for the next half century.
How many can remember any sound byte of Trump's speech on this the first day to follow? I dare say only the speech writer and a few staunch supporters surrounding the Capitol. The core of Trump's speech focused on all of the negative, all that is wrong in America with little promise of how change would be afforded. He seemed to play to those assembled only what they wished to hear in that his victory will return power to "the people."
However, in the whirlwind of the most contentious cabinet and administration nominees that phrase is hollow, offers not the hope of a Barack Obama or Bill Clinton but the betrayal to drain the swamp with the same alligators and crocodiles who rule them now. No candidate in memory has won the highest office of the land by the same strategy he defiled his opponents. Trump spoke to an angry America knowingly taking full advantage of the verbiage the voters at any time or in any place "wanted to hear." He assailed any and all of his opponents as "all talk and no action." Trump defined his own personal sacrifice to this his country as well as the millions who died in its' defense as "huge buildings, housing developments that further deprived the poorest and the audacity to short change workers and contractors. These are the real people who sacrificed, but not to the nation but to amassing fortune and branding the name of Trump.
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Looking Like the Cat Who Swallowed the Canary |
It did not take long for President Trump to inspire Americans as they took to the streets in protest only to be greeted by Capital Police, National Guard and Reserve. We the People, empowered by the words within his address, their right to assemble was acknowledged with by pepper spray and rubber bullets. One hundred eighty-seven patriots were arrested.
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Washington's K-Street Within Two Hours of the Oath |
This morning The Washington Post published one of its' regular Fact Checker articles.
I thought it to be unnecessary at best. I printed out the Trump speech, studied it and found only a few "Truths" spoken, but more importantly held to his account.
"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost." Trump should have added that those few include the nominees for his cabinet.
"All changes starting right here and right now because this movement is your movement, it belongs to you." To the contrary more people give credence to Bernie Sanders view, "True change begins from the bottom up, not the top down."
"At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its' citizens." Note Trump does not acknowledge "all" among those he is accountable. Americans will need to be accustomed to photos that originate in Washington, D.C. only to the delight of Vladimir Putin and other fascists across the globe and now in this country.
The Police protect the interests of the few, the 2%, the billionaires |
If you the reader doubts that the scenes here will not occur in your city, you only study History, American History. And from our history the People will stand up to speak because "if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
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