


Friday, June 16, 2017



Today Washington D.C. and particularly the White House is often described by not one, not five but as many as thirty (30) "sources" the media has interacted anonymously, of course with a lower level staff trembling through no fault of their own are within earshot of the President. The image that comes to mind is these frightened employees have moments of a panic as they push shut their office doors or crawl under their cubicles. 

As if this is not enough we easily visualize the Commander-In-Chief stomping up and down the hall of the West Wing pausing only to scream at live cable news broadcasts throughout the workday. There must be a long bank of the latest HD/Ultra/4-D/Televisions one expects to see at a Best Buy. This optic only makes James Comey and the grandfather clock three times in his written narrative, later testimony. FBI Director Comey his adroit memory of his "very nice dinner" in the Oval Office followed by his instinctive transcription of his copious notes. 
As a workplace those who wish to avoid immediate termination live in an environment where chaos prevails by contradictory statements, directives and the opportunities to witness the verbose  dressing-down of key staff in the West Wing. As promised in his campaign, the West Wing has indeed undergone a transformation now as Trump World.  

A jobs recruiter may promote a pamphlet for prospective applicants for several vacancies. "Your time spent dedicated to serve promises a constant exposure to a deeply divided hierarchy vying for attention. You will bear witness to grown men arguing or in a panic mode due to a lack of concise policy and strategy.

Depending on rank or position you may have security clearance to issue your own policy statements, or retract, redact the President's statements without fear of retribution or even any reasonable explanation other than "I haven't had an opportunity to discuss that" or the fire sure retort, "the President's words speak for themselves" when a question is posed for which you have no comprehension. All of this with the unequivocal backing of Department of Justice and the most qualified attorneys going through the revolving door quietly advising you have "no need to retain personal legal counsel." 


Over the past year you have heard what the media describes that a certain individual in the highest official positions as being narcissistic. You may also describe the behavior as Alpha dog. However, the media often fails to adequately explore or specifically define the disorder. This is where some diligent research may provide an answer to what we witness on an almost daily basis.

While searching for DSM-IV definition and behavior associated and tuning a portable radio I stumbled upon a NPR (National Public Radio) broadcast interview with Robin A. Wright, Director of the Kirwin Institute, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio. 

I feel the ground breaking work of the Kirwin Institute deserves attention and recognition as a resource for individual study.  In fact, I believe that listing the links to research below is not quite enough for those who possess more than usual psychological curosity. Therefore, you will find a page I reproduced from their website. (It should appear in the title bar).

This is a website dedicated to identifying the symptoms of mental disorders and treatment. I discovered this site while performing research on Narcissism. I wanted to learn the definition of Narcissism as a personality disorder, how to diagnose the symptoms and find treatment potential.

Anyone interested in mental health (especially your own) and personality disorders will find this site serves as an outstanding source of information. Some of the personality disorders appear on the left of the page in drop box defining a few. 

  • Alcohol / Substance Abuse, 
  • ADHD, 
  • Anxiety disorders, 
  • Bi-Polar disorder, 
  • Depression, 
  • Panic Attacks, 
  • Sexual Addiction 

I feel the groundbreaking research by the Kirwin Institute will shed some light on an inherent bias in everyone. A bias that overtime may interfere in a personality growth into a belief system of prejuidice and racism. 

You can read the definitions, symptomatic behaviors and judge for yourself and form your own opinion.

I encourage those of you who constantly attempt psychological diagnosis of your spouse or children to reference the Implicit Bias page and listen to the fascinating interview airing on NPR.


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