


Thus, November 11TH is celebrated throughout Europe and other countries as "Armistice" or "Remembrance Day" to mark the anniversary of the end of major hostilities of the First World War. 

The 11th Artillery - Vietnam War - Gregory Grzymkowski's Unit

As this date was approaching I felt confident I knew the reason to remember and define the significance of this date as the end of The War To End All Wars. I felt equally confident that in those countries devastated by wayward and designed bombs and who lost homes and millions of lives both soldier and civilian, would never forget the grim reality, the horror of war and solemnity of a date: 11/11.  

After all, it marked some of the firsts in man's ceaseless desire to develop the most hideous ways to kill another. If those Brits and French in the trenches were not mowed down by the first automatic weapon in the machine gun, then rudimentary tanks were rolling over bodies the artillery may have missed and then there is the matter of "mustard gas."  It is today's equivalent of "nerve gas" employed by Syria's Assad and his Russian backers (and ally in Vladimir Putin). 

However, I began to wonder if Americans really know why November 11th is a Federal Holiday on the calendar and why so many government employees have a paid day off each year? 

So, I went to the source: Google, first to define Armistice and then Veterans DayI was shocked and mortified as to the results produced in tenths of a second. 

Which banks are open on Veteran's Day?

Which restaurants offer free meals to veterans? 

Results include: The Olive Garden and Krispy Kreme.

Which stores offer the largest discount for Veterans Day sales?

In my search for facts I found that in 1954, Armistice Day was formally changed to Veterans Day in the United States of America. Naturally, I thought why the change? 

And then I came across it in the ceasefire and demilitarized zone as part of the "armistice" that ended the Korean Conflict on 27 July, 1953. To all parties, North and South Korea and the United States and China, this was like hitting a pause button in Mortal Kombat. The formal armistice was simply a ceasefire in hostilities and not meant to be a permanent solution or peace. 

I looked no further. I know that somewhere among the brass in the Pentagon as well as some of the ass on Capitol Hill this label did not sit well as they would not stomach the Korean War to be connected to or, referred when the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month came around. They must have noted the knot in their stomach that first November, 1953 and acted quickly to replace armistice with veteran. As far as North Korea, then and now pause in the fighting and physical conflict" as defined in the use of armistice. This was not to be seen in our history as on par with the end of World War I.

Thus, the U.S. has maintained troops to defend the South all of these years. Now most Americans know this due to tweets about the Rocket Man and other posts they read on social media. Some even realize the real threat of a nuclear war due to circumstances within our government particularly those occupying The White House.

This day is to remember, pay respect and honor all those who protect and serve, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice in giving their lives.

First, I can tell you what I found to read among my email this morning. This is not the day for any of the following as advertised by major retail chains.

"Beat the chill with Veterans Day doorbusters" or,

"We salute our veterans with 30% off Calvin Klein underwear."

However, the worst outrage is that on this date Breitbart News email delivered on behalf of their candidate a subject matter that includes the following: 

"We are in a spiritual battle ...with those who want to silence our message. 

The forces of evil will lie, cheat, steal — even inflict physical harm — if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives like you and me.

Their goal is to frustrate and slow down our campaign’s progress to help the Obama-Clinton Machine silence our conservative message.

I won't get into the details of their filthy and sleazy attacks. I refuse to repeat their lies.

That's why I must count on the help of God fearing conservatives like you to stand with me at this critical moment. 

I believe you and I have a duty to stand up and fight back the forces of evil waging an all-out war on our conservative values."

It goes on and attempts to exploit so-called Christian values and makes a plea.

"Will you stand and fight with me by chipping in a donation to my campaign's Victory Fund?" 


Judge Roy Moore

So, why should we  commemorate today what took place in 1918 in a railroad carriage in France? We stand to fight:

To stop those who perpetrate crimes against children (or for that matter any of the vulnerable) using Southern charm, failure to recall and holy scripture as their defense. 

To end bigotry, violence and genocide against all people, not a chosen few. 

As we all know, four U.S. military lost their lives in Niger a few weeks back. And I believe if we were to ask those four young soldiers who were serving in Niger, in a country not even the President could explain, why they signed on for such duty? 

Or, if we were to ask Myeisha Johnson, the spouse of La David who was found two days later with his skull crushed and stripped to his underwear, as to why he so bravely served his country? 

And what of all 58,000 Vietnam veterans now dead, let us pose the question:

Did you serve and die to protect the freedoms of a man such as Alabama Judge Roy Moore to take improper and immoral advantage of teenage girls? 

The Answer is a Resounding NO!

As of 2:00PM November 11, Roy Moore maintains "all of this is fake news."

NEXT: I will attempt to bring you examples of those who honorably serve and deserve our thanks and remembrance. 



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