AS COWARDICE IS PERVASIVE WITHIN A REPUBLICAN PARTY VOID OF COURAGE Oprah, one voice of universal courage The WORLD is outraged by these the latest repugnant words of our President. The callous racist remarks will prove unequaled in American History. All fifty-three nations of Africa demand retraction or formal apology. Haiti, Mexico joins the growing list of even our loyal allies in Europe and around the world. What could be worse? Speaker Ryan cowers in his reaction the words are “unfortunate, unhelpful.” Speaker Paul Ryan, the most powerful Republican leader in the House fails to reject the President’s remarks or condemn as un-Republican. When he states the remarks as “unhelpful” he speaks to own truth. Ryan is a “weasel” as one pundit described his lack of a “spine.” The Republicans by their silence, gives credence and encouragement to White Supremacists as well as placing our troops operating within African nations they depend for personal security. Ti...