



On Monday, July 16, 2018 if you viewed the live television feed regardless of network the Trump/Putin Helsinki Summit press conference, as a viewer you have access to the raw data to form your opinion to an unprecedented historic event.   The immediate and overwhelming reaction of Congress, White House and Intelligence agencies came to a consensus. This was an absolute failure of a U.S. President to stand, defend our democratic process. With Vladimir Putin standing to his left, Trump accepted his denial of election “meddling” and refused to issue any form of a reprimand or an ultimatum to Russia.

As the week progressed, the networks dissected every word, facial expression and body language of both world leaders. And, as if you did not notice certain segments of the press conference and the Trump walk back (would versus wouldn’t) have aired as in a continuous loop on your wide screen.

However, there are facts to be gleaned from the network’s assiduous dissection of the tape. The observations also included many credible members of former and current government officials.

The media performed an exceptional role in their questioning of members of Congress   of the Intelligence Community including NSA, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and the Department of Justice.


During the Helsinki press conference a Reuters reporter, Jeff Mason who seized the opportunity and courageously ask Putin the $60,000 question. This was an act of courage as Vladimir Putin does not routinely entertain inquiries from foreign press. As any native Russian who investigates or opposes Putin face arrest. Many have disappeared, imprisoned, murdered on the street. They act with impunity and his reach goes beyond borders as we have seen a rogue agent poisoned over tea in London.

The Atlantic picked up on what is now a controversy. Mason rose and asked, “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of 
your officials to help him do that?”

Here is where the Atlantic concluded from the actual video and the transcript of the English translation of Putin’s reply.

“Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russian relationship back to normal.” This rendering of Putin’s remarks leaves open the possibility that he’s stating “Yes, I did” in reference not just to wanting Donald Trump to win the 2016 presidential race, but also to ordering Russian officials to help Trump win.”

Even as I viewed the event as televised live, I thought this is an ‘aha’ moment as the proof was in the pudding that Russia was responsible for election tampering. You could see the small smirk emerge on Putin’s face.  

In one moment Putin unwittingly came to reveal to the world that Russian intelligence made cyber inroads into American intelligence and cyber inroads of other nations in the West.
Later when others in the media complimented Mason for asking the right question he said he could feel Putin’s disdain. Putin looked Mason in the eye during his response as if he would have preemptive removal of this reporter if given the chance. One man was forcibly removed by Russian security just moments from the start of the event.

Another telling question touched a nerve when Putin was asked if the Kremlin had gathered “damaging information of Donald Trump or his family.” Here, Putin regained his KGB skills by cleverly avoiding the actual topic by his reference to the year 2006 where he cited 500 American and foreign businessman attended a conference in Russia and he smiled when discounting the ability of his agencies as they could not possibly follow this number of delegates. Further, he stated he did not know Donald Trump was even in Russia.

Putin cleverly avoided giving a complete answer as to say that was true then, but since that time his agents began collecting information on all of Trump’s following visits to Moscow paying close attention to any compromising situations. This particular data was gathered and now known as the “Steele Dossier” or Russia’s compilation of tactics deemed “kompromat.”

Two days later a shocking story appeared in a New York Times article on July 18, 2018.  From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message Putin Interfered by David E. Sanger and Matthew Rosenberg

This well documented article reveals the events occurring on January 6, 2017, two weeks prior to the Inauguration of President-Elect Trump. Here is what Sanger and Rosenberg wrote.

“The Jan. 6, 2017, meeting, held at Trump Tower, was a prime example. He was briefed that day by John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director; James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence; and Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency and the commander of United States Cyber Command.

The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, was also there; after the formal briefing, he privately told Mr. Trump about the “Steele dossier.” That report, by a former British intelligence officer, included uncorroborated salacious stories of Mr. Trump’s activities during a visit to Moscow, which he denied”

The most persuasive evidence included emails and text messages among the Russian members recently indicted by Mueller that confirmed Russian interference and that the order came directly from Vladimir Putin.

These communications were intercepted or stolen other sources including British, Dutch and our own American Intelligence services.

On that day Trump begrudgingly accepted the intelligence report as presented by our top official experts. These two reporters no doubt followed a cardinal rule of journalists. That rule is to obtain at least two credible sources to confirm the story or facts as known. In this case there were up to seventeen sources.

America has been subjected to the Trump strategy to follow upon taking office. It has been a constant denial of the intelligence he had no reason to doubt. Each and every day since Trump has presented some statement, tweet, and public appearances has denied the facts. This President takes advantage of every situation where he will run contrary to the facts he knows to be true. This is a “witch hunt", "how sad" and “No collusion.” The biggest affront occurred at the Helsinki press conference when he rejected the conclusion offered by his own appointee Dan Coates and accepted unabashedly the “strong, powerful denial” told to him in the privacy of that day. He accepted the word of Vladimir Putin, the world’s most corrupt leader who has orchestrated and ordered the assassination of anyone he perceives as a threat to his authoritarian rule.

These are bold-faced lies by the President to the American People. Trump must know the true extent of Russia’s interference in his election. What may emerge or may be suppressed by the Mueller investigation is that Putin’s infiltration went much further than posting phony stories on Face book and Twitter. Russia hacked into the count of votes in at least three States to overturn the actual voting giving Trump the victory.

This President’s denial and his failure to order counter measures to protect future elections borders on treason.

One week later, I heard the results of polls that indicate somewhere between 41 and 49% of Americans approve of the President’s behavior and handling of Vladimir Putin. These are incredible numbers in my estimation. Sadly, there remain these large numbers who continue to believe the President in face of overwhelming contrary facts. They are misinformed, ignorant and uneducated as Donald Trump in the History of America and our democratic process. They are the same “useful idiots” poisoned by foreign and in some cases domestic enemies of the United States.

On July 25, 2018 there is discussion of both the Kremlin and the White House altering not only the written transcripts but also the release of an official U.S. video on You Tube where the Trump administration has deleted portions of the Helsinki pertaining to the Mason question. This is a tactic one expects from other authoritarian rule and not near any sense of transparency in our government.

The ignorance of the American people requires a follow-up as to what danger they present to this nation.

Updated and Revised July 25, 2018 10:18AM


Twitter @deepblue_4


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