Two hundred forty-two years have passed since this
Nation first embraced a Declaration of Independence. As Americans we endure all
the growing pains in the Birth of a Nation.
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton and others
painstakingly began to debate, disagree and then agreed to disagree. Their
efforts resulted in a sacred document; The U.S. Constitution. This parchment
document we follow serve as a beacon of freedom, equality, basic human rights
and elevates our democratic government as the model and envy of the world.
Our history has often tested our commitment to freedom, human
rights and a Civil War threatening the preservation and future of the Union. The
divide was geographically drawn by the Mason-Dixon Line splitting the Nation in
half. To the North lie the Unionists and to the South, the Confederacy. The
bloodiest war nearly caused the Constitution seen as “bursting in air.” (1)
In 1961 our President set forth the strongest warning
toward our enemies and it has been the standard for American Foreign Policy
from that Inauguration until this administration betrayed America and our NATO
allies. Those of us who are witness or learn of JFK’s inaugural genius recognize
it as the epitome of America’s historic role in securing freedom across the
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John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th
President, January 21, 1961
Today memory may fade and short-term loss is an
everyday occurrence. But at those moments when I reach back for his words, I
not only recall them but hear them spoken with “vigor” and a Boston accent.
“Let the word go forth from this time and place, to
friend and foe alike… a new generation of Americans… proud of our ancient
heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human
rights… to which we are committed today at home and around the world.”
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or
ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support
any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” (2)
All of America, Democrat or Republican and all proponents
of freedom and basic human rights throughout the world stood in unison and with
pride for this young President. To any critics today we do not “wax nostalgic” when
we quote American History whenever our country is under duress and fear and division
adopts this course as his plan to make us great again.
Today, if there is any one underlying difference the
nation is now arbitrarily divided due to people of color. There are Blue States and Red
States. However, it goes much deeper than that. The divide we find it is also a
conflict toward Equality and Justice toward all people of color. The separation
of Latino families at the Mexican border brings injustice to a new low. Worse,
it is the act of one man, the President.
What we find is that “implicit bias” in thought, is
institutionalized as racism. There has been an underlying fever among whites
where hate prevails and is ever present. Liberalism is not only a dirty word it
is repressed. A Conservative movement masks its hate and popularizes the notion
that unequal treatment under the law should no longer exist. Our Freedom is endangered
from the most unlikely place.
We the People now face the greatest test of our
history. There is no longer a meeting of minds or ability to agree to disagree
and go forward with conscience and compromise. The most dangerous game in town
is the deconstruction of our beloved republic. The Judicial system is being undermined,
Congress is paralyzed to act and even abscond from the duty to hold the
Executive branch (The White House) by checks and balances. The best ideas,
legislation that is supported by a vast majority of Americans never is allowed
to see the floor of the House let alone subject to fair debate.
A once Grand Old Party home to Republican Conservative
thought is caving in to a President who holds this Nation at bay, but our
Allies across the globe. He fails in upholding his Oath of Office, consistently
ignores the Constitution, and flagrantly denies the Declaration of Independence
fanning the flames of subjugating scores of “Americans” who happen to be of a
different color or religion.
For two hundred years and counting the United States
flourished and became the strongest nation on earth only achieved by welcoming
immigrants. These are the Irish, Germans, Italians and Poles followed by people
oppressed in the Far East escaping tyranny of Communism and Dictators. From our
South scores of Latinos were drawn first by the truth that America is the land
of opportunity. Now they arrive to escape a greater evil at home only to face
fierce and inhumane treatment by an Executive branch in his abuse of power by
way of a new tool he has learned in Executive Order.
Many of these written decrees closely resemble
authoritarian rule that Americans fought and died to prevent hitting our shores
in World War II. Yet he lacks any understanding of our History where a whisper
of decency and courage in the ears of many Presidents came to rise to their
Oath to “preserve and protect” and do what is right. This President walks back
or retreats only when he fears his “ratings” will drop without regard to the
damaging treatment of even those he believes are his base. Frequently he will
misguide our Free Press; form new policy that he denies without apology is his
Each day we Americans awake to a blitzkrieg of his “fake”
news, misguided priorities and an unending need to find new scapegoats. It has
become the “show of shows” to stroke his ego, not love of country. The sheer
ineptitude, the shock of incompetence and ignorance, the refusal to follow
protocol and his outright lies serve only to promote an agenda of where the
seeds of Fascism, neo Nazi and White Supremacist view are not confronted but
allowed to fester and grow.
Yesterday another grave danger is announced and it came
from the Kremlin, not the White House. This inept President who claims incessantly
that there is “no collusion” will meet one-on-one Vladimir Putin, the most
dangerous agent working to disrupt democracy and world peace. Our intelligence
agencies and the few competent advisers in the White House are aghast. Former
members of the CIA confirm that this President is a prime candidate for the
Russians to use as a former asset.
There are several areas of nefarious behavior yet this
man does not distance himself and American Foreign Policy from Vladimir Putin
but now supports his acts of aggression. Putin’s annexation of Crimea is a
blatant condescension to Russia. He has failed for two years to accept the
conclusion of all intelligence and now the Senate Committee that Russian
interference did occur and there is evidence some members of the President’s
close circle are a part of it.
This reality is beyond the wildest fiction for a
Hollywood script. Who will believe that the top KGB agent has placed his
handpicked agent in the Oval Office? If there is any iota of truth, this is treason!
Enjoy this Fourth of July and reflect on the nature of
which it is founded. However, a word of caution cannot be ignored. A new
Revolution of humane, decent and free Americans may soon be upon us (U.S). When
it takes form in our cities where dissenters gather in protest may very well
end in violence in the face of the Oligarchs occupying Washington and the White
[1] In the end, President Lincoln and the
North came to prevail and the Nation set upon decades of a healing process and
a much hated period of Reconstruction by Southerners. The scars remain to this
[2] Read
the words of JFK carefully so to understand the gravity of his meaning. Caution
to those members of various hate groups or even that base of support for the
current President. One cannot put a spin, label as “fake news” as it is our
history, our existence and future.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - 1372 10:53 AM
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