



Ancient History recounts Nero who twiddled his fiddle while Rome burned to the ground. Today, a towering wall of flames, whipped by a relentless wind ignites underbrush spreading the forest and on to homes at a frightening speed. California is in flames!


In real time all of America witness the carnage caught as television images and we can only gasp in disbelief. Commentators on the scene are left aghast as the words escape them. It is the image of an apocalyptic fire unabated engulfs families and their homes. Those of us afar safe from the fury are filled with horror but empathy and compassion as well. The cauldron of fire, billowing smoke robs oxygen from the air and homes are in flames. Our first thought is that what unfolds before us must be the result of an epic Hollywood scene. It is not. California is caught in a deadly downward spire.


After eight days, almost an eternity for those struggling to survive, this President announces to the press “the fires in California are the result of forest mismanagement.”These are his words of condolence and comfort?

Whether aboard Air Force One or reclining in his robe within private quarters this President is oblivious to the reality of the outside world. He too fiddles with his personal cell phone, his favorite tool to tweet his latest object of contempt. His words have no substance, no empathy only hate. He sulks in self-pity as he looks for solace due to an astounding rejection of the mid-term election results.

This President ascribes only to misinformation to exaggeration and then outright lies. Truth and fact have no place in his master plan. The bombastic words he espouses before his base are pawns accomplices as a means to the end. His opinion is his own, but lacks any comprehension of fact.

At every opportunity the lies are retold as if they are the words of the Bible or those he most recent spoken by a FOX television hack. His ignorance, arrogance and contempt abound and he wears them as a medal of dishonor. His disdain is reserved for losing candidates. He only sees a personal victory in only those who embrace him.

Those fallen by catastrophe or victims of a deranged shooter are offered not solace or empathy. The lack of compassion in man is no mistake. It is fashioned and learned behavior. It is rooted in a deep seated imbalance where only one man matters over any other. The number of lives lost climbs daily, from 63 to now 71 and those unaccounted or missing an approximate 631 to more than 1,000. The numbers updated are staggering to Americans with a moral compass.

But to this President, it is of no concern. Their lives are disposable just as the politicians who failed to embrace him. “Sorry Mia… you showed no love.”
Eleven thousand three-hundred homes and structures are now ash. These Americans will go without the help and compassion of 5,300 of our military who serve only as a part of a political stunt. These Americans must now stand alone in their battle for survival.

An estimated $220 Million in deploying 5,300 troops to Arizona 90 miles from the danger. Our military, weary of war without end are sent on a political stunt to “do nothing” states Defense Secretary Mattis. The delusion of this President is to place the army without legal authority to engage on our southern border.


This military presence is meant only for public consumption to misdirect. It is staged as a last gasp measure to thwart an eminent invasion the likes of Attila the Hun. These are migrants and asylum seeker, the poorest of Central America who “vote with their feet” to salvage their economic lives.

But, this President is driven by selfish concern as he uses fear to sway citizens to his side. He stirs a fury among his base. The image of a military placing barbwire atop a shipping container is only to add emphasis on his hyperbolic wall. There is no thought to use the same military to contain fire and save lives.

As part of his distorted thinking he deflects away from the solid evidence and fact as Robert Mueller gathers a collection of misdeeds, foibles, crimes and possibly acts of treason within the President’s coven. Not to be overlooked he uses labels and slogans to distract from fact in what he decries at every turn. “It is nothing more than a witch hunt!

But he fails to recognize the numerous indictments and guilty pleas Mueller has produced with what Republicans deem a waste of $17 million of tax dollars. It is far better spent as a small portion we see expended on military personnel sent to serve at the political whim of an authoritarian and self-proclaimed Nationalist.

To further the outright lies, this President describes this caravan as an army funded by his opposition recruiting thugs, gang members and his favorite ambiguous iteration of the description as “bad people.”

Among them are terrorists from the Middle East along with mothers, fathers and children pushing strollers stretching as far as he can see. And he preaches to his choir this the most baseless of his irrational view to a baseless choir caught up in his xenophobia.

For weeks leading up to the Mid-Term elections he stretches his distortion as a nose from a wooden puppet. He conjures more lies to spread more of the politics of fear by painting the invasion as more than marauders ready to rape and pillage but to spread small pox and the leprosy they carry among them.

As if separating babies and children from their mothers and fathers is not quite enough, now is deliberately doing the same to our military families as if the endless deployments in war zones across the globe mean nothing. Yes, for all his ballyhoo from a bully pulpit he shouts how “he loves our military.”

Yes, that is why he traveled thousands of miles to France to commemorate Armistice Day and fail to attend the one event that is the duty of every allied leader to honor all those died on the fields an hour drive away. This President’s twisted mind and rationale was to avoid the catastrophic damage to his orange quaff by simply nature’s rain. Better to blame the Secret Service for his deplorable decision to choose to watch television encased in his own selfish dour mood. It is all simply orange and outrageous.

He foments his lies as if a rabid dog foaming at the mouth as oft compared to one he has not quite equaled, Adolf Hitler. His words of contempt for his critics, his disdain for the rule of law and the hate he induces some to madness in the violence unleashed at a synagogue fall short of his handler. This President fails in his every attempt to mimic the calculated, cold cadence of one Vladimir Putin.

This cancer has metastasized among his baseless supporters to the Republican Party. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are more than willing accomplices to first the politics of fear wrapped in a mistaken slogan which translates to “Make America Hate Again.”

This is tyranny plain and simple. It moves at a slow but steady gait so as to allow Republican Collaborators to fall in line, goose stepping their way to abolishing the right of freedom to all.

In establishing fear, then hate this President with a Republican Party as co-conspirators are one small step from Fascism that subjugated most of the world embodied in the War to End All Wars.

And it is just short of a transition from a Democratic Republic to a Fascist regime ready rip apart the moral fiber and soul of the greatest nation on earth. Nothing is more pleasing as the last puzzle piece to fit the aspiring chess master. Unwittingly as dupes or as conniving conspirators they tailor a template as a suitable fit in a diabolical plan to deconstruct the West as agents for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Who will be held accountable for the loss of life, collateral damage, foreign or domestic? The DNA of this President assigns blame upon any alternative event, any person but himself.

From the depth of my memory somehow emerges the insight of one who instilled courage in the American people in the face of worldwide division.

“There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a Rendezvous with Destiny.”


To me, our destiny will be shaped by the youth of this nation to save this Republic and their future.   


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