


democratic debate FELL SHORT ON URGENCY 

It is a good thing the Democrats chose last night to hold a debate as opposed to a Friday the 13th coupled with a full moon. Had the debate gone past midnight some would still be left howling?

The three-hour Democratic Debate left voters wanting less and more. Viewers want less of the fight over healthcare; and more sustentative discussion of the present not the tenuous promises of the future. This is pressing issue of mass murders and election security. The first hour became a freefall over universal healthcare. Candidates became entrapped arguing the merits and details of the individual plans for universal healthcare. Voices were raised; hands held aloft and fingers pointing leaving the discussion incoherent. 


A tempered Pete Buttigieg rose above the fray pointing out “this is what turns people off about debates.” So why get caught up arguing the minutia of the details?

Comprehensive and universal healthcare is the biggest concern among Americans. But today, thanks to Bernie [Sanders who wrote the damn bill] the vast majority not only accepts but demand universal healthcare as a right. And it is again thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders who sold it during the 2016 campaign. One form healthcare or another is now a given.

It would serve the Democratic Party better to state unequivocally; a Democrat in the White House and as Senate Majority Leader will be the path to universal healthcare coverage. Trump’s campaign sought a vengeance for Obama. The rallying cry is to “repeal and replace Obamacare without a plan let alone any detail. Trump boasted, “[America] will have the best healthcare at the cheapest cost… you won’t believe it.” He was right in one sense, you won’t have it.

Cory Booke
Only two candidates eloquently and with conviction spoke to the urgency of action that America demands action today. Cory Booker spoke with candor and true a sense of urgency of the injustice of our criminal system and the implications reaching the underbelly in minority dominant cities.


Beto O’Rouke stood in defiance of a weapons culture and the NRA while relating his personal interactions with victims of El Paso and Odessa. HIs speech, rather than a talking point earned him the thanks and respectful applause from the other candidates.

The strategy of the DNC (Democratic National Committee should first protect their servers and emails. Then, formulate a strategy that cannot fail in defeating Donald Trump. First consider a temporary ceasefire by placing all detailed healthcare plans on the sidelines. There is plenty of time and space to hammer out the pros and cons during the actual primaries. It will be only an advantage to delay in a fray that by nature only confuses their voting base. 

Secondly, let this President sabotage his own campaign by his hateful rhetoric, instability and a policy dictated by whim and put forward only in tweets.

Third, allow Jerry Nadler to go forward on all cylinders and encourage a fast path in their investigative inquiry the pre-requisite to impeachment. Any and all evidence of the Trump administration from emoluments to obstruction must be aired in the committee and presented to the American people in layman’s terms repeating the misdeeds through the Freedom of the Press as often as needed in an explanation as to how these charges are in keeping with protecting three branches of government and the checks and balances of the Constitution. And in spite of what the political and legal experts may say Articles of Impeachment must go forward, pass the House and go to the Senate.

If Democrats retreat on impeachment for fear their future will be submerged, then “Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.” Do not allow Jerry Nadler hang out to dry.

And yes, Mitch McConnell will do anything to bypass the law and the subsequent trial and vote very well may fail. However, if in the mind of the American voter the evidence is more than sufficient Senate Republicans will be in a hot seat and feel the chair being pulled from under them in 2020 Election.

The Democratic Party will only gain by carrying through with their Constitutional duty to Impeach. Once Americans realize this is a sworn duty they will support Democrats and vote out the scallywags and radical Republicans. The worst outcome for Democrats is they hang on or lose a seat or two. But that seems doubtful. The display of courage under fire will see a clear majority or a fifty-fifty split and a deciding vote from a Democratic Vice-President.  

Impeachment should not be interpreted as some dark hole they cannot overcome. History is serves as a precedent they cannot ignore. Andrew Johnson suffered impeachment, but not removed by the Senate. Richard Nixon accepted the wisdom and mandate of his party leaders and resigned lest he undergo the humiliation of a trial. The most recent is that of Bill Clinton. He too faced “trumped-up” (pun actually intended) charge but survived the contrived plot of radical Republicans.

Impeachment prior to the election will not see Trump forcibly removed and his resignation is counter to every non-racist bone in his body. But, a moral victory and a Constitutional mandate will be recorded in the American History we cherish and left for future generations. It will act as an inspiration towards “a profile in courage.”


(Word Count: 890) 


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