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Trump plans to abandon the United States Postal System that presents far reaching consequences most Americans and
Congress fail to consider. The USPS has for years been operating at a loss by
neglect of the Federal Government.
As Congress deliberated the 2.2
Trillion dollar stimulus package, Trump threatened to veto any package that
would allocate funding in order for the USPS to operate without interruption
through September. The Republican leadership and now Trump has advocated for
the privatization of various government entities and the USPS is one of them.
At the same time the coronavirus
crisis has stirred Congress to save jobs and guarantee paychecks for workers,
there are 639,000 USPS jobs are in jeopardy.
Common Cause with Common Dreams (news website) has launched an email campaign in an effort to bring this National Security threat to the nation's attention. In an email campaign Common Cause argues some of the facts
surrounding the issue.
· The health-care industry is banking record
profits while tens of millions lose coverage.
· Trump’s Justice Department is asking for
sweeping powers to indefinitely imprison American citizens without charges.
· Big Tech is using the pandemic as an excuse to
implement terrifying new government surveillance technologies to track our
· Overcrowded jails filled with nonviolent
offenders and many who haven’t even been convicted of a crime have become the
biggest super spreaders of COVID-19 in the world.
· The postal service is on the verge of collapse
as Republicans push for privatization.
However, there are other dangers at risk if USPS to disappear from the American landscape. The most dangerous is that the November election will be at risk. Republicans oppose a vote by mail plan in response to the COVID19 pandemic. They want to disrupt the efficacy of the vote putting in doubt fair elections. The reelection of this President is paramount to Republicans. They plan to suppress the right to vote before and wish to do it again.
Which private entity will take over the largest mail system in the world? The first names you may identify will be UPS (United Parcel Service), Federal Express or Amazon? Any of these are not equipped for this large undertaking. These companies do not have an existing business plan for door-to-door delivery.
Can anyone of these companies simply merge the USPS facilities, equipment, vehicles and the essential work force: mail carriers? It may be possible but not without a long period of adjustment as they integrate. What of the negative impact of USPS employees pay scales, retirement, benefits, etc. that are certain to face reductions?
One solution is almost certain. Conservatives particularly among Republicans will want to privatize but will want to divide the pie. The goal of every suggestion of privatization is to put corporate profit before service, security and employees.
Secondly, Republicans from across the country will have a favorite corporation to go into the mail business. To satisfy all the demands, the postal system could be left to individual states or regions of the country. Again, this faovrs big government contracts subject to lobbyists and kickbacks to Congress. Once again, chaos.
Finally, how will mail fraud be handled under anyone corporation or regional system? It is doubtful they would make this their first prioirty.
We are witnessing this President undermine the oversight in every government department and agency by removing Inspector Generals and replacing them with his loyalists. Without credible oversight the taxpayer is subject to mariginal security or outright fraud.
Americans have been victims of Internet scams and lost money due to hacking or outright fraud for years. There are other crimes perpetrated by individuals or phony companies. A McDonald's Monopoly scam yielded more than $20 million in fraud.
The case was complicated. It is the Mail Fraud Laws that became the only recourse to prosecute and punish the criminals. How would such laws be enforced in a segmented postal system? Perhaps, those who push toward privatization wish to forego Internet and mail fraud and open up a system subject to scam artists.
After all, it is violation of interstate mail fraud that brought down Trump University.
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