


"take a knee"


The "Whole World Is Watching" and no one will forget this image anytime soon. If you ever had the opportunity to learn some basic "body language" in perhaps a psychology class, there are some notable clues. 

If you can adeptly study a person's body language you will find some tell-tale signs of the emotion and thought process at that moment. For example, if you are among a group of people and the conversation turns to a touchy subject, you may notice one person with their "arms folded across their chest." Experts will interpret this is a sign of being reserved, stand-offish or not quite willing to share something personal or private. It is not uncommon as the person feels it is best to keep it private, embarrassing or self-incriminating. 

I am not an expert but after studying this photo there are some hints as to this officer's intent, motive, personality and psyche.

Remember, this officer kept his knee on the throat of George Floyd for almost nine minutes. Witnesses indicate that Derek Chauvin kept the pressure on the throat of the victim for almost three minutes after Floyd stopped breathing.

To me this position is clear evidence of his "indifference to life" and the fact Mr. Floyd is a black man may indicate a predisposition of dislike. It is not as if he knew his victim from a prior confrontation. 

What is quite shocking is the fact that he has his hand in his pocket. I cannot remember or imagine a person while kneeling and placing their hand in a pocket. This shows a "nonchalance" attitude, one where he is almost timing his behavior. It may also be an expression of "power." It is like "I got this" and "in charge."

What is also striking is his facial expression. We know he is facing the young lady who is filming him. His face seems to show complete disdain. He is annoyed by the fact she has the nerve to film him. And, if "I wasn't busy with this" he would run over to her and convisicate her smart phone.

I believe Body Language Experts and Psychologists will shed a great deal of information as gleaned from just this one photo. It should go a long way to support Officer Chauvin as exhibiting a blatant "disregard for human life." This is one of the key elements in defining murder or in the charge of "third degree" as is the law in Minnesota. 

We hear from legal experts it will be very difficult to convict a police officer of first or second degree murder as well as the disregard for life under third degree. First and Second degree murder conviction the jury must be convinced it is "premeditated beyond a reasonable doubt." 

As stated this officer's body and facial language reveals someone with a monstrous need to control and exercise power. This person is one who relishes with the power to control and thus can take whatever means necessary in performing a task he considers routine. 

The "hand in his pocket" displays a total disregard for his own actions. He is not concerned about his actions being questioned. I am a police officer and have a great deal of leeway in carrying out his duty. I exercised my best judgment as to the degree of force required at the moment." But, of course there is no evidence the officer felt threatened or that his life was in danger.

That particular defense would be ridiculous. How could Officer Chauvin even remotely feel in danger or threatened as two other officers appear as holding Mr. Floyd's legs down to the ground while also handcuffed. 

I don't know the amount of time from the first contact between the officers and George Floyd. There is body cam video that shows the first confrontation of one of the officers questioning Floyd. Then there is the footage showing the entire group moving across the street to another vehicle. More time elapsed. It is unclear by the video if Mr. Floyd exhibited any resistance while in custody. Video does show Floyd falling but does not indicate how he got to the ground. 

I raise this time frame as when you consider that only after this amount of time, Officer Chauvin then spent almost nine minutes pressing his knee into the throat of Floyd. Was Chauvin enraged by something Floyd may have said while standing next to the squad car? It doesn't seem likely. Just as it is improbable he struck out at Chauvin. He was handcuffed. 

It is extremely unlikely that Chauvin acted "in a moment of rage" and thus not in complete control of his emotions. He certainly does not show any expression of rage as he kneels over his victim. It is one of macabre calm and Chauvin knows exactly what he is doing. It could be a modus operandi within his past. 

Floyd is not just an arrestee. He is this policeman's latest victim.

It has been widely reported that Officer Derek Chauvin in his nineteen years on the force had seventeen prior citizen complaints including extreme aggression or brutality. The murder of George Floyd is the eighteenth and last. Chauvin's record for the use of extreme force and the extended period of time from beginning to the horrific end seems to support his actions were indeed, pre-meditiated. 

Finally, the three other officers at the scene acted as either accessories to murder or can be found guilty by their indifference and failure to stop Chauvin. They must be placed under arrest and charged. 

Justice will only be served when all four officers face trial and all evidence in plain sight and in video recording is considered. And then there is the testimony of expert witnesses as to what the body language says about what is not seen on the surface. The dark psyche of Officer Chauvin must exposed for all to see as well. 

Policemen are held to very high standard and expected to serve and protect with honor, integrity. Our police are not above the Law. The question is how is it the lack of basic humanity allowed these men to remain on the force and endanger rather than protect the public?

Photo Deleted Convicted Derek Chauvin 


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