The name Ruth as "friend”, but
it is ironic as well as iconic. My first thought is how prophetic was her
mother in giving her the name.
However, there is much more to the name Ruth in the RBG than we realize. In my search for the meaning of Ruth the definitions and the descriptions are profound and prophetic.
Here are some attributes associated with the name Ruth:
"...spiritual qualities, such as compassion, unfailing devotion, respect, grace, honesty, integrity, generosity, wholesomeness, virtue, honor, and kindness to name just a few."
Do What You Know Is Right, Not What Looks Right
to Others.
Following Your Heart with Integrity Can
Increase Your Influence with Others.
Remember to Be Humble and Keep Working as God
Blesses You.
Today, America is a better place because of Ruth Beta Ginsburg and her causes. If there is anyone unaware of this diminutive woman in life, they know now. She rose in the ranks among jurists almost undetected to those outside the judicial system. But now in the passing of RBG, a heroine who overcame every obstacle man put before her. They know too the "notorious RBG" an icon.
Millions will come to mourn her death sending condolences to the family and words of solace at their loss. And what we Americans have gained.
Many of the Washington select are recalling an episodic first meeting with RBG and the interactions they shared. Collectively they point to her wisdom, her tireless spirit to fight and her keen sense of humor. It seems by every account they expressed their gratitude for even a singular opportunity to be in her presence.
There are and will continue to be the tributes to her legacy and life. There are the antidotal memories thankfully preserved in film and video of her personal struggle to overcome. There are the landmark cases she presented to the Supreme Court and the landmark decisions she issued from that same bench. Many of these are the briefs are those of the minority she wrote clearly so to be understood. Make no mistake about it.
But before all the eulogies, condolences and expressions of grief are written and spoken there is a dark side to what should be a celebration of the life of Ruth Beta Ginsburg.
Sadly, there those holding high office who jockey as to how they maximize her [life] and death to advance their own agenda as well as their campaigns to gain or hold onto power.
It is the politics of those in government who promise loyalty to special interests over solemn promises to the People and the Constitution to which Ruth Beta Ginsburg fought to uphold every day of her life up to her last breath. She lived toward "Equal Protection Under the Law" for every woman, every gender defined and every minority who are relegated to life as second-class citizen.
Like it or not, this is the world we live today. In time people will rise as one to say;
"I Dissent."
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