Emmy for Reality TV? This is No Ordinary HOUSE!
Sunday night they handed out the Emmies in Hollywood introducing a new category that no doubt frost's some Davids' Hyde Pierce, David Foster, David Letterman, etc. You get the idea! They have broken the Emmy Awards for Television into five different categories in order for one more to squeeze on to the sofa bed for "achievement in simulated reality' entertainment. Please note I do not recall the Academy stating it is for "outstanding achievement' as proven by the Emmy for the Best Reality Host of a conspired,not so spontaneous show: Jeff Probst of Survivor XXII , right behind Super Bowl XL Point Spread and that Canadian dude from the "Amazing Race." Although his name escapes me for the moment, this intelligent and competent Canadian Reality TV Host has demonstrated more knowledge, skill, sense of direction and common sense than that of his White House counterpart of the past eighty-like years. And his Amazing Race to the front of the ratings,...