Inauguration Day, Washington, D.C. January 21, 2013
EARLY COVERAGE OF TODAY’S INAUGURAL I am listening and viewing of NBC coverage of the Inaugural utilizing a “mixed bag” of Today Show and Nightly News celebrity, an ironic thought occurred. You may recall over the past four years when “Jenna Bush” conducted interviews with the President Obama and how she “gushed” over First Lady Michelle and the Obama daughters makes me wonder if she will change political Party. Watching NBC coverage of the early pregame precedent Presidential coverage of the Inauguration Day, did I hear Brian Willows just say... "You can't waive a dick without touching a motorcade? Oh, maybe I misheard. Brian may have said, "Waive a STICK..." not a dick as previously reported. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter, William Jefferson Clinton, and future president, Hillary proudly displays their pride and privilege with their mere presence at historic Inauguration. However, former Republican Presidents, George H.W. Bush, George W. a...