
Showing posts from August, 2014




DOES ART IMITATE THE REALITY IN THE WORLD? IN THE EVENT, You missed the EMMY Award show last night, you are in luck as I am going to list many of the main categories with the names of the winners.  In an effort to answer the question often posed to Producers, Actors, Directors, ... does the art in television and film imitate "life" or does "life" mirror all of the entertainment material that Hollywood may produce in a given year? EMMY Statute (replica, not actual size) As we are annually informed the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences somehow nominates and selects the categories and the nominees. After which comes the Vote which is monitored and tallied by a prestigious accounting firm. This year the task fell to the Congressional Budget Office. Unlike Television Academy - One Newsmaker Decides ENEMY awards photo by Gary Grzymkowski In addition, a list of those newsmakers and global events that have somewhat the same look, feel or serious tone ...

August 18, 1920 The Day Women Won the Right to Vote. Today, Will We Need to Fight for Our Rights Again?

"Something is happening here, What it not exactly clear. There's a Man with a Gun over there, Saying You Got to Beware..." They Sell the Catch Phrase                    "Everything Is Fluid"  I received an email forwarded by a cohort espousing this date in history as one when the Women’s Right to Vote won approval as the  19th amendment to our Constitution. It  is more of a timeline and summary of the events leading up to final vote.    However, I do not believe many of us know of just how emotional and physical impact for the activists. The movement or fight was prolonged and bitter over decades! W omen were abused, incarcerated and force-fed because of their Activism.  The fight for Women's Rights began July of 1848 with the formation of a Women’s Rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. The battle persisted first in our Nation’s Congress where it barely passed both House and Senate...

VOTE Today in Michigan's Primary Election

VOTE Today! It's a  Primary Election in in  Michigan,  Or You May Miss Your Bus Photo Rendering Image of First SMART bus IF YOU failed notice, a TV “blitz” is underway for the past fortnight extolling Virtue, Morality and Public Duty from all of us. One ballot Proposal requests a millage hike to ensure the ongoing viability of SMART to serve the tri-county area for years to come (2017). The Chief Proponents appearing in the commercial with passage, new buses will be purchased. They avow their allegiance to the elderly, and disabled have access to reliable transportation. In addition, as an added community services those working poor residing in Wayne County will experience mobility to pursue jobs as domestics and landscapers in Birmingham, Bloomfield, Mitt’s Cranbrook and others. Proponents for the millage weighed choices of circus barker and could not muster a clear winner. They needed SE Michigan's heavy hitters. Therefore, Oakland County Executive L. Bro...