DOES ART IMITATE THE REALITY IN THE WORLD? IN THE EVENT, You missed the EMMY Award show last night, you are in luck as I am going to list many of the main categories with the names of the winners. In an effort to answer the question often posed to Producers, Actors, Directors, ... does the art in television and film imitate "life" or does "life" mirror all of the entertainment material that Hollywood may produce in a given year? EMMY Statute (replica, not actual size) As we are annually informed the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences somehow nominates and selects the categories and the nominees. After which comes the Vote which is monitored and tallied by a prestigious accounting firm. This year the task fell to the Congressional Budget Office. Unlike Television Academy - One Newsmaker Decides ENEMY awards photo by Gary Grzymkowski In addition, a list of those newsmakers and global events that have somewhat the same look, feel or serious tone ...