AS OBAMA PROMOTES BASIC FREEDOMS IN CUBA HE SPEAKS TO THE HEART OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY March 22, 2016 As many Americans I awoke today to the news of the horrific terror and human devastation taking place in Brussels. The images broadcast from Europe are taking effect. It comes to mind that Europeans and Americans froze in place witnessing again the fear promoted by a few upon the many. As first responders rush to the aid of multiple casualties, leaders in Belgium and France echo "We are at War." And with those words police and the military are in the process of locking down the city and have begun house to house searches and secure the borders. People are advised to stay indoors as authorities are sifting through the chaos. As Europe struggles to regain composure and reclaim some sense of order, individual liberties are put on hold. In the Middle East there are reports of ISIS celebrating this temporary victory. The strategy of fear has once again put the West on noti...