THE ALMOST ENDLESS NEWS CYCLE WE ENDURE SHOULD INVOKE ONE EMOTION AND IT IS OUTRAGE! Ancient History recounts Nero who twiddled his fiddle while Rome burned to the ground. Today, a towering wall of flames, whipped by a relentless wind ignites underbrush spreading the forest and on to homes at a frightening speed. California is in flames! SORRY, CALIFORNIA IT IS YOUR FAULT In real time all of America witness the carnage caught as television images and we can only gasp in disbelief. Commentators on the scene are left aghast as the words escape them. It is the image of an apocalyptic fire unabated engulfs families and their homes. Those of us afar safe from the fury are filled with horror but empathy and compassion as well. The cauldron of fire, billowing smoke robs oxygen from the air and homes are in flames. Our first thought is that what unfolds before us must be the result of an epic Hollywood scene. It is not. California is caught in a deadly downward spire. CALI...